What I Read Last Month – May 2019

  • Make Me Bad – RS Grey
    • I don’t think RS Grey can do wrong. I devour her books in 48 hours. Every time her characters and writing make me laugh out loud.
  • Daisy Jones and the Six – Taylor Jenkins Reid
    • Daisy Jones and the Six is such an original idea and format for a novel. Done in an interview style, it reads like a Rolling Stone interview. Or even VH1 Behind the Music interview. I enjoyed how this was about the creative process and collaboration. I’ve been a huge fan of Taylor Jenkins Reid for a while now, but this book makes me admire her even more. 
  • Consumed – JR Ward
    • This book is the first in a new series from JR Ward, of Black Dagger fame. Consumed kicks off with an intense opening sentence that quickly gets the reader’s attention. Ward’s writing is descriptive and gritty, pulling you into the scene. I loved the characters, everyday people that evolve through the book. I haven’t read anything like this and I couldn’t put it down. I switched back and forth from reading and listening. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.