Are you a podcast listener?

Are you a podcast listener?

I have a few reliable, favorite podcasts that I love to listen to. In the Before Times, I subscribed to easily over fifty podcasts. Now its tough (like reading has been) to focus on something, not to mention finding the time and space that I can have headphones in. (Mom Life!) None of these are heavy, newsy or self-improvement focused.

Forever35 – I haven’t met Kate and Doree in real life, but I feel like they are my trusted older sisters and or best friends. When the world is (literally) on fire and upended, I can still listen to them discuss skincare, lack of sleep, or the latest way they are caring for themselves. Their conversation is light and the banter is funny between them, but they still lift each other up and encourage each other. 

10 Things To Tell You – Laura Tremaine tackles both heavier topics and lighter ones. She is a huge fan of journaling and teaching the rest of us how to make it a habit. She talks about makeup and skincare. She has multiple episodes of her favorite books from the year, and I always enjoy hearing what she has been reading. What’s so interesting about her podcast is her topics are so thought-provoking, similar to journal prompts.

The Lazy Genius – This is like a warm hug, telling me how to simplify some area in my life by naming what matters (that’s one of her mantras). I find it comforting to hear Kendra’s life hacks and that it’s okay to abandon whatever is slowly you down and complicating your life. 

Are you a podcast listener? What are your favorites? Drop any recommendations down in the comments!