Books that make great gifts

Books make great gifts, am I right? Whether it’s a coffee table book you wouldn’t buy for yourself or one of the latest memoirs on the bestseller lists, or even something that just came out that you just know your spouse/parent/sibling/grandma would love. This time of year is ripe with books lists coming out, and I thought I’d create my own.

HRH: So Many Thoughts on Royal Style – Elizabeth Holmes
If you know a royals fan and are interested in fashion, this is the book. Through fashion, the royals tell a story and make their statements.

Humans – Brandon Stanton
Are you a Humans of New York fan? The stories are fascinating. I’m even more fascinated how Stanton gets the subjects to share said stories.

Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics – Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton’s lyrics leave just enough to make you wonder where her inspiration came from. Jolene was inspired by a bank teller getting too close to her husband, but what about I Will Always Love You? Is it goodbye? A love song? A song to a loved one? There is so much about Dolly that is a mystery so I’m on board with any insights she gives us.

What Kind of Woman – Kate Baer
Because, the patriarchy. A poetry collection about the “beauty and hardships of being a woman.” Of the poems that I’ve read, I’ve said to myself, “Yes, that’s exactly how that feels!”

Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity and Change – Maggie Smith

It’s been a hard year. This collection of notes and passages is simply something to feel better and keep going. This seems like just the thing for comfort and encouragement after making it through a year like this one.